Installation of Ventilation Systems

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We are willing to perform any design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of ventilation systems intended for various purposes. We ensure good workmanship thanks to the application of high-precision automatic and semi-automatic metal-working machinery manufactured by leading global producers such as SCHECHTL, RAS, TRUMPF, HYPERTHERM, TAPCO, ISITAN, and SENTE MAKINA.

The availability of this equipment makes it possible to produce any components for both round-shaped and rectangular ventilation systems, i.e. spiral-wound and rectangular air ducts, fire-prevention ventilation systems, round or rectangular flanges, acoustic absorbers, slide dampers, external bar screens, roof curbs, transition pieces through the roof coating.

We supply components for manufacture and installation of ventilation systems. That's what maintains steady nondelay operation at the projected facility.

The company's staff is represented by high-skilled engineering professionals as well as with the experienced operating personel. The erection crews are able to realize well-worked and weill-timed assembly and installation of the whole product range manufactured by our company.

A good current experience of the design department and a significant archive including various design considerations makes it possible to minimize the timelines for preparing the design documentation.

Learn more on the works performed



Contact us

610011, Kirov, Russian Federation

15 Severnaya Naberezhnaya Street

+7 (8332) 24-12-77, 23-13-86, 23-23-45, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.